Monday, November 18, 2013

The dark blue & the gold leaf

Bourjois  'Vampire Vanity /Essie 'After school boy blazer 

This is a combo I have been obsessed with lately. I recevied 'After school boy blazer' from Lindsay (how kind?) and it is the perfect dark blue nail polish shade. It does look very dark and you can tell it's blue only because it's not that 'harsch' as black would be. The Bourjois 'Vampire Vanity' is the perfect sparkly 'leafy' nail polish to apply on the ring finger. It's so special and gives that extra festive touch. Perfect for the christmas season that's coming! 



Mademoiselle Lala said...

I really really want to get this Essie shade, looks beautiful! X

Unknown said...

Nice post! I have a similiar Essie color too. But that color is pretty!

I'm a new follower! Would love to see you back :)

Anonymous said...

Very pretty

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