Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Bourjois ⎥ Happy Light serum & foundation

Bourjois Happy light serum 13,95€ / foundation 14,95€ (*) Available at DI drugstore

I'm really excited to introduce you to my new favourite light-weighted make up products. I have received these new Bourjois serum and foundation from the Happy Light range almost one month ago and oh boy, I have use these every-single-day to the extend that they're almost finished already! 

They're two serums available out there: the Luminous Serum Primer (the one I got) which is perfect for dry skin that lack moisture and the Matte Serum Primer (blue one) which is for more oily skin that do not need some extra 'luminosity'. I've been applying religiously the Luminous Serum Primer after my daily moisturizer for that extra moisture and extra glow. It gives such a smooth finish and makes my skin feel so soft and look really...well luminous! I wouldn't say that's it a must have but it's definitely nice to have as a side serum addition to your morning make-up routine.

The Bourjois Happy Light foundation is said to be light-weighted with once again a glowy and very natural finish (that yet covers flaws). I have some major expressions wrinkles and let me tell you that it makes me feel very self-conscious that some foundation are really making them even more wrinkly. The Happy Light didn't left with that impression at all. It is pretty similar to a BB cream in my opinion in the texture, the glowy finish, the flawless looking skin ... It stays on all day long although it does loses a bit of its 'luminosity' by the end of the day, I just use my Make Up For Ever fix + to freshen it up in a sec! Once again, Bourjois really has released what I think will be a huge hit. This range is really impressive, so far so good. I really want to try the Happy Light concealer as well as you never know, it might become my new numero uno! 

Have you tried these?

Have a fabulous mid-week!


Anonymous said...

You deff just made me want to add both of this to my wishlist uk swap list ;)

Christine said...

Ah these products sound so exciting! I love the Healthy Mix and 10 Hour Sleep Effect lines by Bourjois so I'm sure this new line is great too.

Emeline said...

Ouaw ! Ton teint est effectivement super lumineux sur la photo !!
Le serum me tente bien :) Et pourquoi pas essayer ce fond de teint quand mon healthy mix sera fini, il a l'air pas mal :D

Passing Fancy said...

uuuu products right up my alley :) Love glowy skin and I'll definitely try both when they hit the stores.

Unknown said...

I loved the 10 Hour sleep effect foundation, but unfortunately I was told it's been discontinued..
What number is the one you received? I have seen the swatch of number51 and it's quite dark.
Btw, it matches your skin tone perfectly or at least it looks like that.

Unknown said...

I bought this today but hasn't lasted too well on me, think I need to try a primer first x

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